

The 12-color default Reso palette

Twelve-color palette

There are ten semantically relevant colors which get compiled, the other 16777206 colors are ignored. Black and white are reserved to never have semantic meaning. Pixels with these colors define regions in the logic graph.


ColorMeaningHex codeRGBASCII
Dark orangeOrange wire (off)#804000(128, 64, 0)o
Bright orangeOrange wire (on)#ff8000(255, 128, 0)O
Dark sapphireSapphire wire (off)#004080( 0, 64, 128)s
Bright sapphireSapphire wire (on)#0080ff( 0, 128, 255)S
Dark limeLime wire (off)#408000(64, 128, 0)l
Bright limeLime wire (on)#80ff00(128, 255, 0)L
Dark tealAND logic node#008040( 0, 128, 64)&
Bright tealXOR logic node#00ff80( 0, 255, 128)^
Dark purpleInput (wire to node)#400080( 64, 0, 128)+
Bright purpleOutput (node to wire)#8000ff(128, 0, 255)=
WhiteComment/whitespace#ffffff(255, 255, 255)
BlackComment/whitespace#000000( 0, 0, 0)

For backwards compatibility with new functionality, we reserve a total of 48 colors. (This is by convention and is not enforced by the Reso simulator.)

Reserved 48-color palette

The ten colors above (other than black and white) are semantically relevant, which means all the other valid three-byte RGB values are not.

New features will use new colors. Reso is at 0.0.x, so no promises, but we'll try to stick within these 48 values for any new features:

HueSaturated (1)Dark (2)Light (3)Unsaturated (4)
Red (R)#ff0000#800000#ff8080#804040
Yellow (Y)#ffff00#808000#ffff80#808040
Green (G)#00ff00#008000#80ff80#408040
Cyan (C)#00ffff#008080#80ffff#408080
Blue (B)#0000ff#000080#8080ff#404080
Magenta (M)#ff00ff#800080#ff80ff#804080
Orange (O)#ff8000#804000#ffc080#806040
Lime (L)#80ff00#408000#c0ff80#608040
Teal (T)#00ff80#008040#80ffc0#408060
Sapphire (S)#0080ff#004080#80c0ff#406080
Purple (P)#8000ff#400080#c080ff#604080
Violet (V)#ff0080#800040#ff80c0#804060

Palette downloads

Grab the palette in a convenient format!

Downloads mirrored from RESO-12 at

Also available in raw hex, if copy-and-paste is more your thing:


Submit an issue if there's a convenient palette format you'd like to see. The RESO-12 palette is also available

Alternative palettes

Future versions of Reso will have support for 100% ASCII-based workflows, and for palette mappings, allowing you to execute Reso circuits over any language of your choosing.